The Savings Bank Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Established in 1997, The Savings Bank Charitable Foundation, Inc., supports non-profit organizations that serve residents of Wakefield, Lynnfield, Andover, Methuen, North Reading, and surrounding cities and towns.
Since its inception, the Foundation has donated over $950,000.

All applications will be considered for program expansion, evaluation, renovations, new construction projects, capital funding, etc. for organizations whose primary focus is on projects in the following areas:
- Homeless shelters
- Family services
- The poor
- The elderly
Board of Directors
- Denise Carbone
- Karen S. Conard
- Robert J. DiBella
- Glenn D. Dolbeare
- Therese C. Jarmusik
- Raichelle L. Kallery
- Joanne S. Reilly
- Margaret Super Church
Application Information
From our customers
“Your staff is the best.”
From our customers
“I have been banking here for a number of years. I love this bank! Customer service is awesome. Anytime I had a problem it was resolved professionally.”
From our customers
“I stay with TSB because I know if I have an issue, I can reach out to an actual person and get help. It is what separates TSB from the big banks.”
From our customers
“The staff in the Methuen office could not be kinder.”
From our customers
“I’ve used TSB for approximately 40 years. They have always been helpful and kind. Never had an issue. Love banking with TSB and all of the wonderful employees.”
From our customers
“I like the real hometown feel you get with The Savings Bank. Staff at ALL branches are wonderful, making the personal interaction very pleasant. I have been banking with you since 1978 and have never had even one issue.”
From our customers
“Just great!”
From our customers
“I feel you excel in all areas but I am very appreciative of the kindness with which I have been treated all these years, by everyone at the TSB, whether in person or on the phone.”
From our customers
Friendly, helpful, and pleasant tellers in the Greenwood, Wakefield branch!
From our customers
“The people I encounter at Lakeside and Main Street are always helpful and friendly. I enjoy that they actually care about me even though I am not one of your bigger clients.”
From our customers
“I feel you excel in all areas but I am very appreciative of the kindness with which I have been treated all these years, by everyone at the TSB, whether in person or on the phone.”
From our customers
“I have been banking with TSB for many years and I am very satisfied with them. Why wouldn’t you want to come and bank there?”
From our customers
“Love the personal connections with the bank personnel.”
From our customers
“Love the employees at the North Reading Office. They are so friendly and helpful. The teller and the customer service representative are the BEST!!”
From our customers
“Love everything!”
The Application Period for the TSB Charitable Foundation is from October 1st through January 31st. The Foundation will present the awards to the recipients in early April.
1. Any organization applying to The Savings Bank Charitable Foundation, Inc. must be a Massachusetts charitable corporation. The Directors of the Foundation will focus their giving to organizations serving the residents of the Wakefield, Lynnfield, North Reading, Andover, and Methuen areas.
2. An organization must have been determined tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and received a permanent or advance IRS Determination letter that describes the grantee as a publicly supported charity as defined in Sections 170(b)(1)(A)(6) or (a)(2).
3. No grants will be awarded to individuals or for the purpose of offsetting compensation and benefit expenses.
4. Applications will be considered for program expansion, evaluation, renovations, new construction projects, capital funding, etc. for organizations whose primary focus is on projects in the above areas for those organizations devoted predominately to:
- Homeless Shelters
- Family Services
- Serving the Poor
- Serving the Elderly
The Directors of the Foundation will not consider a proposal from an organization previously funded until a full report of the expenditures of the previous grant has been submitted.
The Directors of the Foundation will not consider more than one application from an agency in the same calendar year, except for summer youth programs.
No grants will be made to national organizations or “annual giving campaigns.”
No grants will be made to state or federal agencies.
Grants will be made to a 501(c)(3) organization for benefit of another organization awaiting its own tax-exempt status.
The minimum request should be $1,000.00. The Foundation generally does not award more than $5,000.00 to a single organization. Limits may change from year to year. Questions should be directed to the telephone/email above.
1. A complete written application should be submitted via email at The application will be considered by the Foundation automatically. No personal interviews will be entertained unless requested by a majority of the Directors of the Foundation.
2. The body of the proposal should be no more than ten (10) pages plus appendices. A one-page cover letter, summarizing the proposal with a request for a specific grant amount should also be included.
3. A proposal will not be considered if the following information is missing:
- Copy of IRS Determination Letter
- Proof of Incorporation in Massachusetts
- Names of Officers, Directors/Trustees of the organization to include relevant background, affiliations, and town/city of residence
- Year-to-date financial statement for your current fiscal year
- List of companies and foundations being approached to fund this proposal, indicating which sources are committed, pending, or anticipated
- Most recent independent audit. Any nonprofit with revenues of $99,999 or less is not required to conduct an independent audit or accounts review
- Date
- Legal name of the organization, mailing address, name of executive officer, and website (if applicable)
- Contact person and title if different from Executive Officer
- Telephone and fax numbers (with area codes)
- Amount requested
- Type of request (operating, project, etc) and details of how funds will be deployed
- A brief mission statement
- The strategic link with the Foundation
- List of the proposal’s target population
- Total annual organization budget($)
- Fiscal year-end
- Project or capital budget (if applicable)($)
- The period of time this grant will cover ( from/to dates) • List of any previous support from the Foundation or from The Savings Bank in the last five (5) years
- A brief summary of the organization’s history, goals, and key achievements
- Overview of organizational structure and size
- Description of organization’s constituents (i.e. total number and breakdown by age, gender, race/ethnicity, income levels, disabilities, geography, and language spoken)If you are requesting operating support, please provide the following information about your overall programs and activities.
If you are requesting project or capital support, please provide the following information for that specific project or capital request:
- Description of the specific request including goals and objectives
- Community or regional needs and/or challenges that this effort will address
- Community or regional opportunities, strengths, and/or assets this effort will draw upon
- Specific activities and timetables for meeting your objectives
- Level and nature of the involvement of the community-at-large, local residents and/or other constituents
- Staff/volunteers and their qualifications
- Identify those organizations, if any, with which you collaborate and other resources which address this issue in the proposal
- Future plan(s) for sustaining this effort and strategy for building your funding base
- Define your criteria for success for the organization, project, or capital campaign. State how you will measure your success in the short- and long-term
- Outline your evaluation process, such as participation by your constituency(ies)
4. Proposal Budget / Budget Narrative
- 2 pages maximum
- Time period budget covers
- Revenue: provide a line item revenue statement for all applicable budget categories (grants, contracts, other fundraising, earned income)
- Expenses: provide a line item expense budget, with narrative footnotes for those applicable items which need further explanation
- In-kind support IMPORTANT NOTE: If you already prepare organizational, project or capital budgets which include revenues and expenses, please feel free to submit them in their original form or use the above sample.
Website: If your organization maintains a website, would you allow The Savings Bank Charitable Foundation, Inc. to publish the web address? If “yes,” please indicate web address.
Application period: Our application period is from October 1st to January 31st . Applications must be received by January 31st. Awards are generally presented in early April.
Talk to The Savings Bank
To find out how The Savings Bank can help you achieve all your financial goals, visit one of our offices, use our contact form, or call us at 800-246-2009.